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SCSSB Net 1500th Check In Awards

All SC SSB Net members,

Thank you all for joining us tonight for our first 75 METER DASH award.
It was a lot of fun waiting until the very last minute and finding out that
Ralph KC3PM was the 1500th check in and was issued this first certificate.
We will immediately begin keeping a count toward the next 1500th Check In
and wish everyone the best.

Maybe you will be the next winner. Stay Tuned/Checked in.
Thanks also to Sue N9ZG and Steve WA5KSC for designing and
putting the award together.

George WF2Y
Net Manager

Our very first recipient is KC3PM Ralph Grimes from Conway, SC

And the 2nd Winner is Palmer W3WOT

And the 3rd Winner is Dave KI4ROL

And the 4th Winner is Don KB3AMH

And the 5th Winner is Dave N1ZZE

And the 6th Winner is Mitch N4MF

The 7th Winner is Lawrence NS7L

The 8th Winner is Tom NG4S

The 9th Winner is Fred N4PUM

The 10th Winner is Roger N4RNM

The 11th Winner is John WT4SO

The 12th Winner is Gary KI4DOS

The 13th Winner is Ralph N4ACF

The 14th Winner is Tom KI4IG

The 15th Winner is Charles KO4PGN

The 16th Winner is Archie K4IUG

The 17th Winner is Stan WB2AUW

The 18th Winner is Walt K4OIM